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Around the Globe Music & Arts Newsletter December 2019


AGPMF 2019 – 6th Piano Competition has had another successful year with a very busy schedule due to the large number of participants. Both days were full of impressive performances by many talented pianists in all categories, who were enthusiastically supported by a capacity audience, especially on the first day.

We were thrilled to welcome and hear our guest speaker Marcel Zidani, whose piano music from his book Hey Presto ! is extremely popular amongst early level pianists. There was a record number of entries for the Short Piano Recital with a number o

f participants performing works from our promoted contemporary classical and jazz piano composers such as Melanie Spanswick, Marcel Zidani, Vera Milanković and Tim Richards.

The standard of playing this year was exceptional, and we were treated to fine performances from many talented pianists in all age categories.

We would like to congratulate our many winners on their achievements! There was a standing ovation for the performance of professional pianists and pedagogues Antonina Koleva-Lax and Alla Levit-Anderson, The Darina Piano Duo, whose all 3 pieces were UK premières from contemporary classical composers from Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia.

You can view clips of our previous Winners Piano Recital on YouTube channel links: Darina Piano Duo & Junior Winners

Our newly introduced piano workshop Easing Tension in Performance by Marina Petrov had a great response and proved to be very popular amongst the younger pianists. We were pleased that so many teachers, musicians and parents found the talk so fascinating!

In addition, the masterclass presented by pianist and composer Lola Perrin on her IX piano suite Significantus was well-received and appreciated. It was interesting to gain insights to her journey from the initial inspiration to the completed piano work and beyond.


We would like to express our gratitude to our praised adjudicators, pianists Tau Wey, Olga Dudnik and Marina Petrov, for the valuable work including their constructive spoken feedback and objective assessments.

A special thanks to

Composers’ Association of Serbia Global Media Publishing Ltd Branco Stoysin Markson Pianos Brittens Music and Kensington Chimes music shops as well as followers of our Just Giving platform for generously supporting this successful piano festival.

Aleks, Neb and others

Mr & Mrs Saric, Global Media Publishing Ltd


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